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Riku is an AI platform that provides users with features such as GPT-J generation, content creation, AI-based copywriting, and integrations with Zapier, Make, Sheets, and Airtable, plus a free trial and a supportive community.
Riku is an AI platform that empowers users to build AI models without coding. It offers a variety of features such as unlimited GPT-J generation, content creation, and AI-based copywriting. With integrations to Zapier, Make, Sheets, and Airtable, users can easily connect and use Riku’s AI technologies. It also provides access to over 30,000 prompts and 10,000+ professionals, teams, educators, and students. Riku’s AI-based solutions help users save time and increase efficiency. They even offer a 5-day free trial for those who want to try it out. In addition, Riku’s community provides support with documentation, video guides, and a blog. All of these features make Riku an accessible and powerful AI platform for everyone.
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